If you're considering hiring a professional dog walker, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are some tips to hire a dog Walker:

1. Choose the right Walker

The first step is to choose the right Walker at Happy Pants NYC. There are many qualified professionals out there, so it's important to do your research and find someone who meets your specific needs. You should also make sure that the Walker you hire is licensed and insured.

2. Plan Your Sessions Ahead of Time

One of the key benefits of having a Walker on call is that you can plan your sessions ahead of time. This way, you can avoid long wait times and get your dog exercised in a timely manner. Make sure to schedule regular check-ins with your Walker so that everything stays on schedule.

3. Set realistic expectations

It's important to set realistic expectations when hiring a Walker. It's not uncommon for dogs to be tired after a walk, no matter who is walking them. Always ask your Walker how much exercise your dog will get during each session and factor this information into your budgeting decisions. 

One of the benefits of having a Walker on call is that you can get help in case of emergencies. Make sure to include this information in your contract and have a backup plan in place in case something happens.