How To File For Legal Separation In Hawaii?

Legal separation is an alternative to divorce in Hawaii. It permits married couples to live apart while still remaining legally married and to settle issues such as child custody, child support, visitation rights, alimony and division of assets. In Hawaii, the process of legal separation is similar to the process of divorce. Both spouses need to reach an agreement on the terms of their separation, or the court will make a decision on the terms. The legal document that is signed is called a Separation Agreement. 

In Hawaii, there are no specific grounds for lawful separation.. A married couple can choose to legally separate for any reason, such as financial difficulties or disagreements about parenting. 

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To file for legal separation in Hawaii, the couple must complete and file a Petition for Legal Separation with the family court in the county in which either party resides. The Petition must include information such as the date of the marriage, the children's names, the couple's assets and debts, and any other information the court may need. The court will then issue a Decree of Legal Separation, which will outline the terms of the separation. This document will be legally binding and both parties must abide by the terms of the Decree. 

A legal separation in Hawaii has many of the same consequences as a divorce. The couple will no longer be legally required to support one another, and their assets and debts will be divided according to the terms of the Decree. The couple will also have to make decisions about child custody, visitation, and support. They will need to agree on a parenting plan that outlines the visitation rights and responsibilities of each parent.