Tooth Crowning in Singapore- Maintaining Your Dental Health

Tooth crowning is a dental procedure that protects and strengthens damaged teeth in Singapore. It typically involves the placement of a cap on the tooth or over a dental implant to restore the original shape and size of the tooth. The process can help prevent further damage to the tooth, and can also improve the appearance of the teeth.

The most common type of tooth crowning used in Singapore is dental porcelain crowns. These crowns are strong and durable and designed to last for many years. They are custom-made to fit the individual’s tooth, and the goal is to match the tooth’s natural color and shape as closely as possible. If you're looking for services of tooth crowning in Singapore then contact Dental Crown Clinic at Amoy Street Dental.

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Other types of crowns used in Singapore include gold or metal and composite resin. Gold and metal crowns are usually more expensive than porcelain crowns, but they are also more durable and can provide more protection against decay and other damage. Composite resin crowns are made from a combination of different materials and are designed to be more affordable and to fit the patient’s specific needs.

No matter which type of crown is used, proper care and maintenance of the height are essential to ensure the longevity of the restoration. Regular brushing and flossing of the crown is required to prevent decay and gum disease. A visit to the dentist every six months is also recommended to check the health of the height and to make sure that the crown is still properly fitted.

Tooth crowning is a great way to maintain and protect damaged teeth in Singapore. With the right care and regular visits to the dentist, patients can enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile for many years to come.