Maintenance and Cleaning Guidelines for Contact Lenses

Assuming you are using daily disposable contact lenses: 

  • Before handling your lenses, wash your hands with soap and water and dry them thoroughly. Avoid using lotions, oils, or makeup on your hands before touching your lenses. To order contact lenses online you can also visit this link:

  • To clean your lenses, use a mild soap and rub them gently under running water. Do not use tap water to clean your lenses; it may contain harmful microbes that can contaminate your lenses and cause eye infections. Use a lens case that is meant for contact lenses and that has been cleaned with hot water and soap. Fill the case with fresh solution, place the lens in the case, and screw on the lid. Soak the lens for at least four hours, or overnight if possible.
  • After soaking the lens, Rub it gently with your finger to remove any debris. Rinse it well with solution before putting it back in your eye. 
  • Be sure to clean your lens case regularly. Wash it with hot water and soap after each use, and leave it open to air-dry. Replace your lens case every three months or sooner if it becomes damaged.

Contact lenses are a great way to improve your vision, but it is important to take good care of them. Following the tips listed here will help keep your eyes healthy and safe while wearing contact lenses.