How To Install Asphalt Concrete

There are many different types of asphalt concrete and each has its own specific benefits. One type, hot mix asphalt, is a mixture of finely ground asphalt and cement that is heated until the ingredients become a smooth, hot paste. This mixture is then spread over the surface to be paved and compacted with a machine. 

Another type of asphalt concrete, precast asphalt concrete, is made by creating layers of specially formulated Portland cement concrete (PCC) that are then coated with a layer of finely ground asphalt. For more details about asphalt concrete services then visit

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The PCC layer helps to bind the asphalt particles together so they form a firm pavement. Precast asphalt concrete can be molded into any shape and can be used in areas where standard asphalt concrete would not be able to withstand the weight or traffic load.

This is a mixture of small pieces of asphalt bonded together with a concrete matrix. The asphalt provides durability and resistance to weathering, while the concrete provides strength and stability.  The benefits of using asphalt concrete include that it is easy to work with, it has a low cost, and it is durable. 

It is a type of concrete that is made from asphalt and mortar. The asphalt provides the elasticity and strength needed for a concrete foundation, while the mortar holds it all together. Asphalt concrete is typically more expensive than other types of concrete, but it is also more durable and resistant to weathering.