As an automotive locksmith, having the right supplies is essential to mastering the art of key making. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out in the industry, understanding the key supplies needed for automotive locksmithing is crucial for success. In this guide, we will break down the essential supplies every automotive locksmith should have in their arsenal.

The Basics of Automotive Locksmithing

Before we delve into the specific supplies needed for key making, it's important to understand the basics of automotive locksmithing. Automotive locksmithing involves working with locks and keys of vehicles, including cars, trucks, and motorcycles. The primary goal is to provide services such as key cutting, key programming, lock repair, and lockout assistance to vehicle owners.

Essential Automotive Locksmith Supplies

  • Key blanks: Key blanks are the raw keys that locksmiths use to create a new key for a vehicle. It's crucial to have a variety of key blanks on hand to accommodate different makes and models of vehicles.
  • Key cutting machine: A key cutting machine is a must-have tool for any automotive locksmith. This machine allows you to accurately duplicate keys and cut them to the correct specifications.
  • Key programming tools: With advancements in vehicle technology, many modern keys require programming to work with a specific vehicle. Investing in key programming tools will enable you to program transponder keys, key fobs, and remote keys.
  • Lock picking tools: In some situations, you may need to assist a customer who is locked out of their vehicle. Having a set of lock picking tools can help you gain access to the vehicle without causing damage.
  • Lock lubricant: To ensure smooth operation of locks and prevent them from seizing up, it's essential to have lock lubricant in your toolkit. This will help extend the life of the locks you work on.

Specialized Automotive Locksmith Supplies

In addition to the essential supplies mentioned above, there are some specialized tools and equipment that can further enhance your automotive locksmithing capabilities:

  • Key decoders: Key decoders are handy tools that help locksmiths identify the cuts on a key by decoding its pattern. This is especially useful when you need to create a key without an existing key to replicate.
  • Key extraction tools: When a key breaks off inside a lock, a key extraction tool can help you safely remove the broken key piece without causing damage to the lock.
  • Key code software: Key code software provides access to key codes for a wide range of vehicle makes and models. This software is essential for generating keys when the original key is lost or damaged.
  • Car opening tools: Car opening tools are specialized tools designed to help locksmiths gain access to a locked vehicle without causing any damage. These tools are particularly useful for situations where a customer has locked their keys inside the car.

Where to Source Automotive Locksmith Supplies

Now that you have an understanding of the key supplies needed for automotive locksmithing, the next step is to source these supplies. Here are some popular options for acquiring automotive locksmith supplies:

Local Locksmith Supply Stores

  • Many local locksmith supply stores carry a range of automotive locksmith supplies, including key blanks, key machines, and lock picking tools.
  • Visiting a local store allows you to see the products in person and get expert advice from the store staff.

Online Locksmith Supply Retailers

  • There are several online retailers that specialize in selling locksmith supplies. These online stores offer a wide selection of products and convenient shipping options.
  • When purchasing supplies online, be sure to read reviews and verify the credibility of the retailer to ensure you are getting quality products.


Mastering the art of key making as an automotive locksmith requires having the right supplies at your disposal. By investing in essential locksmith supplies and specialized tools, you can confidently provide a range of locksmithing services to vehicle owners. Whether you're duplicating keys, programming transponders, or assisting with lockouts, having a well-equipped toolkit is essential for success in the automotive locksmith industry.

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