There is no doubt that tattoos are a unique and personal addition to one’s body. However, like all new body modifications, care must be taken in order to ensure the tattoo is kept in good condition. If you want to get unique tattoo aftercare services then you can browse this site.

Proper aftercare can help keep your tattoo looking its best for years to come, and may even prevent future damage from occurring. Read on for a look at what you need to know about tattoo aftercare:

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1. Always wash your hands thoroughly before and after handling your tattoo. This includes before and after applying any post-tattoo care products.

2. Don’t pick or scratch your tattoo; this will only aggravate it and increase the risk of infection. Instead, use a gentle cream or ointment as directed by your artist or healthcare professional.

3. Avoid direct sunlight or heated equipment on your skin while your tattoo is healing; both of these can cause damage to the ink layer of the tattooed skin cells, which may lead to pigment loss and other problems down the line.

4. Always keep a pouch of tepid water and mild soap handy in case you need to wash your tattoo. Never use scalding water; extreme heat can damage the ink layer of the skin cells and lead to pigment loss and other problems down the line.

5. Keep your tattoo clean and dry at all times. This means avoiding contact with water, soap, lotions, oils or other substances. If your tattoo does get wet, allow it to dry completely before applying any post-tattoo care products.