Pink Himalayan salt is rock salt excavated from the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains in northern Pakistan. The mineral-rich rock salt, which tends to have a slight pinkish hue due to trace elements, is mainly utilized as a culinary ingredient to replace table salt but also is used for food presentation and decorative lighting, spa treatments, and even medicine. Although it's derived from the same geological formation as table salt, hematite salts have a higher percentage of iodine and aluminum. It's a versatile product that can also be used for many purposes.

A variety of studies have shown that Pink Himalayan salt has been used in India for centuries because of its cleansing and deodorizing properties. Indians used it to clean their bodies before bathing or else used it to remove parasite and bacteria from their bodies. The salt was often taken by the travelers as a substitute for table salt especially in places where it was difficult to obtain table salt. This natural salt has recently found a wider distribution across the world due to its popularity in the western world.

Table salt is now banned in many places because of the serious health effects associated with it. However, Himalayan salt does not have these harmful side effects and can be safely used instead. A large number of Himalayan salt lamps are now available worldwide. These lamps are made using the natural salt extracted from the Himalayan Mountains. According to reports, Himalayan salt lamps are able to provide several health effects to users.

Salt is the main constituent of this type of lamp. Mined in the foothills of the Himalayas, this mineral is highly sought after because it offers antibacterial properties as well as being rich in calcium. As of right now, the largest deposits of this mineral are in Pakistan and China. One mine in Pakistan claims to contain the largest reserve of himalayan salt in the world. This mine also promises to produce 50 tons of this mineral in 2021.

The colors of the Himalayan salt crystals used in these lamps vary depending on the mine in question. Crystals that come from a mine in Uttar Pradesh in India are blue in color. Crystals from Kashmir have orange hues. Crystals from Sri Lanka also have a greenish color. Crystal salt from Nepal has purple hues. These colors give the lamps their name.

Salt lamps naturally produce negative ions. These ions have a cleansing effect on the cells in our body which in turn promotes better circulation. This cleaner blood stream improves one's overall health. Salt is one of the minerals that our bodies naturally need. If you do not have it in your diet, you should consider trying Himalayan pink salt as a healthier alternative to common table salt.

The salt lamp also produces positive ions. These positive ions promote healing properties on the cellular level. Blood circulates more effectively and lymph nodes are more readily accessible when you use a Himalayan pink salt lamp. Our skin receives a natural boost from these trace minerals as well.

This natural salt crystal is harvested by machines at high altitude. These machines extract the salt by the natural process without harming or killing the crystals. After they are removed from the mountains they are transported to Pakistan and China. Many people purchase them in bulk to use in their home lamps. Since they are so pure and natural, they are very popular for re-selling on eBay and other online marketplaces. The Himalayan Pink Rock Salt lamps are a very popular choice for natural healing.