How to manage emails. It is not a zero-sum game. E-mail is a time-sucking game. You have two options: spend it on email or do something else. E-mail remains the most popular mode of business communication. 

According to research, corporate email users receive an average of 126 emails per day (excluding spam) while spending more than 41% on email management. If you want to know more information then, you can visit

What can you do to manage email overload? These tips can help you manage email overload.

Make sure to take the time to write your subject line for the email

An e-mail subject should sum up the message. It must be precise and concise. The subject field is used to summarize the contents of an email. This allows recipients to prioritise emails, and then to locate them later after they have been archived. 

To close the loop in email

Many emails contain multiple action items and questions. Be sure to address all of the points in your reply. You will be penalized for not responding to the email. If you don't know the answer, tell me.

In an email, include the Message

It is best to reply to an email by clicking the Reply button. If you click the New Mail option, the email thread will be removed. The thread provides background information for the recipient of the email.