What’s the single biggest cause of global warming? Cutting back on global CO2 emissions. However, with concrete production accounting for nearly 20% of all CO2 emissions, how can concrete be a part of the solution to this problem? In this blog post, we’ll see how concrete recycling is helping reduce global CO2 emissions and what a concrete recycling center looks like.

What is Concrete Recycling?

Concrete recycling is the process of breaking down concrete into smaller pieces so that it can be used again. Concrete is a valuable resource because it is strong and durable, and it can be used for lawn mulching and building many different types of objects.

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How does concrete recycling reduce global CO2 emissions?

Concrete recycling is a process that uses recycled concrete to create new concrete. The recycled concrete is mixed with fresh concrete, and the mixture is then used to build new buildings or structures.

The process of recycling concrete can reduce global CO2 emissions by up to 90%. This is because recycled concrete is used to create new buildings and structures, rather than being burned or buried.

This process has many benefits for the environment, including reducing energy requirements, reducing pollution levels, and creating jobs.

Some common examples of recycled concrete used in green projects include:

-A seawall built with recycled ocean plastic

-A green roof made from recycled plastic bottles

-A wall built with recycled metal from old car parts


Concrete recycling is one of the most effective ways to reduce global CO emissions. By using recycled concrete, we can help reduce the amount of new concrete that needs to be produced and ultimately save energy and resources.