1 min read

The Best Wholesale Candle Supplies For Your Home Shop

Candlemaking is an art form that dates back centuries. It involves the use of a variety of materials, including wax, wicks, and fragrance oils. There are many different types of candles available on the market today, from pillar candles to tapers.  If you are looking for the best wholesale candles you can also check this firm coco bowlz candle.

If you're interested in starting candle Making as a hobby or want to stock your home shop with high-quality candle supplies, here are some of the best wholesale candle supplies to consider:

1. Wick suppliers – A good wick supplier will have a wide variety of wicks available, from fine gauges for pillar candles to thicker wicks for tapers. You'll also need a supply of hot melts, which can be used to attach the wick to the candle's melted wax.

2. Fragrance oil suppliers – When it comes to fragrances, there are a lot of options available both online and offline. Look for suppliers who specialize in natural and organic fragrance oils, as these will usually be more expensive than synthetic fragrances.

3. Wax suppliers – Many candle makers start out by using homemade wax recipes. If this is your plan, be sure to purchase quality wax ingredients from a reputable supplier.

4. Candle molding materials – If you plan on making votives or other shapes with your candles, you'll need special molds made from plastic or silicone material. You can find these items online or at local craft stores.